50. 列举一项美国公民才享有的权利。Name one right only for United States citizens.
▪ 在联邦选举中投票的权利vote in a federal election
▪ 竞选公职的权利run for federal office
51. 每一个住在美国的人享有的两项权利是什么?What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?
▪ 表达自由freedom of expression
▪ 言论自由freedom of speech
▪ 集会结社的自由freedom of assembly
▪ 向政府请愿的自由freedom to petition the government
▪ 宗教自由freedom of religion
▪ 持有武器的自由the right to bear arms
52. 当我们宣誓效忠时,是向什么表达忠诚?What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?
▪ 美利坚合众国 the United States
▪ 国旗the flag
53. 当您成为美国公民时做出的一项承诺是什么?What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?
▪ 放弃效忠其他国家give up loyalty to other countries
▪ 护卫美国的宪法及法律defend the Constitution and laws of the United States
▪ 遵守美国的法律obey the laws of the United States
▪ (必要时)加入美国军队serve in the U.S. military (if needed)
▪ (必要时)为国效劳(为国做重要工作)serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed)
▪ 效忠美国be loyal to the United States
54. 美国公民必须几岁才能投票选举总统?How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?
▪ 十八 (18) 岁以上eighteen (18) and older
55. 美国人参与民主政治的两种方法是什么?What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?
▪ 投票vote
▪ 加入政党 join a political party
▪ 协助竞选活动help with a campaign
▪ 加入公民团体join a civic group
▪ 加入社区团体join a community group
▪ 向民选官员提供自己对某项议题的意见give an elected official your opinion on an issue
▪ 拨电给参议员和众议员call Senators and Representatives
▪ 公开支持或反对某个议题或政策publicly support or oppose an issue or policy
▪ 竞选公职run for office
▪ 向报社投函write to a newspaper
56. 寄送联邦所得税表的截止日期是哪一天?When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?
▪ (每年的)4 月 15 日April 15
57. 所有男性到了哪个年龄必须注册「兵役登记」?When must all men register for the Selective Service?
▪ 十八 (18) 岁 at age eighteen (18)
▪ 十八 (18) 岁至二十六 (26) 岁之间between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26)
Part A: 殖民期与独立Colonial Period and Independence
58. 殖民者当初到美国的一项理由是什么?What is one reason colonists came to America?
▪ 自由freedom
▪ 政治自由political liberty
▪ 宗教自由religious freedom
▪ 经济机会economic opportunity
▪ 从事宗教活动practice their religion
▪ 逃避迫害escape persecution
59. 欧洲人抵达美国之前,谁已经居住在美国?Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
▪ 美国印地安人American Indians
▪ 美国原住民Native Americans
60. 哪一群人被带到美国并被贩卖为奴?What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?
▪ 非洲人Africans
▪ 来自非洲的人people from Africa
61. 殖民者为何与英国作战?Why did the colonists fight the British?
▪ 因为高额捐税(只缴税,没有代表权)because of high taxes (taxation without representation)
▪ 因为英国军队住在他们的住宅内(寄宿、宿营)because the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering)
▪ 因为他们没有自治权because they didn’t have self-government
62. 「独立宣言」是谁写的?Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
▪ (汤玛士)杰佛逊 (Thomas) Jefferson
63. 「独立宣言」是何时通过采用的?When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
▪ 1776 年 7 月 4 日July 4, 1776
64. 美国原先有 13 个州,请列举其中三个州。There were 13 original states. Name three.
▪ 新罕布夏New Hampshire
▪ 麻萨诸塞Massachusetts
▪ 罗德岛Rhode Island
▪ 康乃狄克Connecticut
▪ 纽约New York
▪ 纽泽西New Jersey
▪ 宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania
▪ 德拉瓦Delaware
▪ 马里兰Maryland
▪ 维吉尼亚Virginia
▪ 北卡罗莱纳North Carolina
▪ 南卡罗莱纳South Carolina
▪ 乔治亚Georgia
65. 制宪会议达成了什么事?What happened at the Constitutional Convention?
▪ 拟定宪法 。The Constitution was written.
▪ 开国诸贤拟定了宪法。The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.
66. 宪法是何时拟定的?When was the Constitution written?
▪ 1787 年
67. 《联邦论》支持美国宪法的通过,请列举一名《联邦论》的作者。The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.
▪ (詹姆士)麦迪森 (James) Madison
▪ (亚历山大)汉米尔顿(Alexander) Hamilton
▪ (约翰)杰伊 (John) Jay
▪ 普布利乌斯Publius
68. 班哲明 • 富兰克林著称的一项事迹是什么?What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?
▪ 美国外交官U.S. diplomat
▪ 制宪会议年纪最长的成员oldest member of the Constitutional Convention
▪ 美国第一任邮政总局局长first Postmaster General of the United States
▪ 《穷人理查年鉴》的作者writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac”
▪ 开办第一个免费图书馆started the first free libraries
69. 谁是「美国国父」?Who is the “Father of Our Country”?
▪ (乔治)华盛顿 (George) Washington
70. 谁是第一任总统?Who was the first President?
▪ (乔治)华盛顿(George) Washington
Part B:1800年代1800s
71. 美国在 1803 年向法国购买哪块领地?What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?
▪ 路易士安纳领地the Louisiana Territory
▪ 路易士安纳Louisiana
72. 列举一场美国在 1800 年代参与的战争。Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.
▪ 1812年战争War of 1812
▪ 美墨战争Mexican-American War
▪ 内战Civil War
▪ 美国与西班牙战争Spanish-American War
73. 请说出美国南方与北方之间战争的名称。Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.
▪ 内战the Civil War
▪ 州际战争the War between the States
74. 列举一项导致内战的问题。Name one problem that led to the Civil War.
▪ 奴隶制度slavery
▪ 经济原因economic reasons
▪ 各州的权利states’ rights
75. 亚伯拉罕 • 林肯的一项重要事迹是什么?What was one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did?
▪ 解放奴隶(《解放宣言》)freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation)
▪ 拯救(保留)联盟saved (or preserved) the Union
▪ 在内战期间引领美国led the United States during the Civil War
76. 《解放宣言》达成了什么?What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
▪ 解放了奴隶freed the slaves
▪ 解放了联邦制下的奴隶freed slaves in the Confederacy
▪ 解放了联邦各州的奴隶freed slaves in the Confederate states
▪ 解放了南方大部分州的奴隶freed slaves in most Southern states
77. 苏珊 B. 安东尼的事迹是什么?What did Susan B. Anthony do?
▪ 为女权奋斗fought for women’s rights
▪ 为民权奋斗fought for civil rights
Part C: 美国近代史与其他重要的历史资料Recent American History and Other Important Historical Information
78. 列举一场美国在 1900 年代参与的战争。Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.
▪ 第一次世界大战World War I
▪ 第二次世界大战World War II
▪ 朝鲜战争Korean War
▪ 越战Vietnam War
▪ (波斯湾)海湾战争(Persian) Gulf War
79. 第一次世界大战期间的美国总统是谁?Who was President during World War I?
▪ (伍德罗)威尔逊 (Woodrow) Wilson
80. 美国经济大萧条和第二次世界大战期间的总统是谁?Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?
▪ (富兰克林)罗斯福 (Franklin) Roosevelt
81. 美国在第二次世界大战与哪些国家作战?Who did the United States fight in World War II?
▪ 日本、德国、义大利Japan, Germany, and Italy
82. 艾森豪在当总统以前是将军,他曾参加哪一场战争?Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?
▪ 第二次世界大战World War II
83. 在冷战期间,美国的主要顾虑是什么?During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?
▪ 共产主义Communism
84. 哪项运动试图结束种族歧视?What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
▪ 民权(运动)civil rights (movement)
85. 小马丁• 路德 • 金的事迹是什么?What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?
▪ 为民权奋斗fought for civil rights
▪ 为所有美国人争取平等worked for equality for all Americans
86. 美国在2001年9月11日发生了什么重大事件?What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?
▪ 恐怖份子攻击美国 。Terrorists attacked the United States.
87. 列举一个美国印地安人部族。Name one American Indian tribe in the United States
(USCIS主考官有联邦承认的美国印地安人部族清单)[USCIS Officers will be supplied with a list of federally recognized American Indian tribes.]
▪ 切洛基Cherokee
▪ 纳瓦荷Navajo
▪ 苏Sioux
▪ 齐普瓦Chippewa
▪ 乔克陶Choctaw
▪ 布耶布洛Pueblo
▪ 阿帕契Apache
▪ 伊洛奎斯Iroquois
▪ 库瑞克Creek
▪ 布雷克非特Blackfeet
▪ 赛米诺利Seminole
▪ 夏安Cheyenne
▪ 阿拉瓦克Arawak
▪ 萧尼Shawnee
▪ 莫希根Mohegan
▪ 休伦Huron
▪ 欧尼达Oneida
▪ 拉科塔Lakota
▪ 克洛Crow
▪ 泰顿Teton
▪ 贺皮Hopi
▪ 伊努特Inuit
Part A: 地理Geography
88. 列举美国最长的两条河中的一条。Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.
▪ 密苏里(河)Missouri (River
▪ 密西西比(河)Mississippi (River)
89. 美国西岸濒临什么海洋?What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
▪ 太平洋Pacific (Ocean)
90. 美国东岸濒临什么海洋?What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?
▪ 大西洋Atlantic (Ocean)
91. 列举一个美国领地。Name one U.S. territory.
▪ 波多黎各Puerto Rico
▪ 美属维京群岛U.S. Virgin Islands
▪ 美属萨摩亚American Samoa
▪ 北马里亚纳群岛Northern Mariana Islands
▪ 关岛Guam
92. 列举一个与加拿大毗连的州。Name one state that borders Canada
▪ 缅因Maine
▪ 新罕布夏New Hampshire
▪ 佛蒙特Vermont
▪ 纽约New York
▪ 宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania
▪ 俄亥俄Ohio
▪ 密西根Michigan
▪ 明尼苏达Minnesota
▪ 北达科他North Dakota
▪ 蒙大拿Montana
▪ 爱达荷Idaho
▪ 华盛顿Washington
▪ 阿拉斯加Alaska
93. 列举一个与墨西哥毗连的州。Name one state that borders Mexico.
▪ 加利福尼亚California
▪ 亚利桑那Arizona
▪ 新墨西哥New Mexico
▪ 德克萨斯Texas
94. 美国的首都在哪里?What is the capital of the United States?
▪ 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区Washington, D.C.
95. 自由女神像在哪里?Where is the Statue of Liberty?
▪ 纽约(港)New York (Harbor)
▪ 自由岛Liberty Island
[回答纽泽西、纽约市附近、哈德逊河上也可以接受][Also acceptable are New Jersey, near New York City, and on the Hudson (River).]
Part B:标志 Symbols
96. 国旗上为什么有十三个条纹?Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
▪ 因为当初有十三个殖民地because there were 13 original colonies
▪ 因为条纹代表当初的殖民地because the stripes represent the original colonies
97. 国旗上为什么有五十颗星星?Why does the flag have 50 stars?
▪ 因为一个州有一颗星because there is one star for each state
▪ 因为一颗星代表一个州because each star represents a state
▪ 因为有五十个州because there are 50 states
98. 美国国歌的名称是什么?What is the name of the national anthem?
▪ 星条旗之歌The Star-Spangled Banner
Part C: 国定假日Holidays
99. 我们在哪一天庆祝独立纪念日?When do we celebrate Independence Day?
▪ 7 月 4 日July 4
100. 列举两个美国的国定假日。Name two national U.S. holidays
▪ 新年New Year’s Day
▪ 马丁路德金的生日Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
▪ 总统日Presidents’ Day
▪ 国殇日Memorial Day
▪ 美国国庆日Independence Day
▪ 劳动节Labor Day
▪ 哥伦布日Columbus Day
▪ 退伍军人节Veterans Day
▪ 感恩节Thanksgiving
▪ 圣诞节Christmas