州长凯西·霍赫尔(Kathy Hochul)上周宣布,政府将通过家庭能源援助计划(HEAP)提供1500万美元(约1亿人民币),帮助符合条件的纽约客在暑气逼人的夏天感受丝丝凉爽~


美国的福利很多,尤其是纽约!很多华人朋友因对纽约的福利不了解,所以错失了很多领取福利的机会。炎炎夏日马上就要来了,美国政府与纽约市政府针对安装空调、冷暖、电费等方面多有补助,但知道的人不多,或者很多人即使知道也只知道其中的一方面福利,而不是全知道,本文就将纽约市政府针对空调方面的 3 大补助以及如何申请等问题和大家详细解说一下,千万不要错过!

只符合以上条件,您即可到中美家电各大门店,或拨打中美家电的专线服务电话:315-288-8188 其它一切都交给中美家电服务团队。中美家电将会派出专业人员帮您处理后续的一切手续,您无需做任何事、不需出一分钱就可拥有一套免费冷暖空调系统,而且安装及材料费全免。
Con Edison Clean Heat Program Incentive Announcement
Thank you for participating in Con Edison’s Clean Heat Program.

Con Edison is announcing two sets of changes to its Clean Heat Program effective today, December 5, 2023:Updated base incentive rates for certain Residential ASHP projects; andIncreased incentives under a limited-time 2024 Promotion for specified Clean Heat projects in the Residential ASHP, Residential GSHP, Multifamily, and Small-to-Medium Business sectors.Program tools, including the Statewide Clean Heat Program Prescriptive Incentive Calculator and the Statewide Clean Heat Program Custom Calculator, will be updated to reflect these changes.  
Residential ASHP: Base Incentive Changes, Disadvantaged Community Rates and Increased Incentives in 2024 Promotion

Con Edison is changing Clean Heat incentives in the Residential ASHP sector in three ways:Increasing base incentive rates in Category 2b for single dwelling units in buildings with multiple dwelling units;Introducing new incentive rates for customers located within Disadvantaged Communities (“DAC”);Extending the current Limited-Time Fall Promotion as part of the 2024 Promotion.
Projects installed on or after December 5, 2023, with applications submitted on or before May 31, 2024 are eligible for the 2024 Promotion Rates. Project applications submitted after May 31, 2024 will be eligible for the Base Incentive Rates. 
  Con Edison Clean Heat Residential ASHP Decommissioning Rates (Category 2b) Non-DACDAC*Single familySingle dwelling units for buildings with 2+ dwelling unitsSingle familySingle dwelling units for buildings with 2+ dwelling unitsBase Incentive Rates$8,000$4,000$10,000$5,0002024 Promotion Rates$10,000$6,000$12,000$7,000Con Edison Clean Heat Residential ASHP Integrated Controls Rates (Category 2a) Non-DACDAC*Single familySingle dwelling units for buildings with 2+ dwelling unitsSingle familySingle dwelling units for buildings with 2+ dwelling unitsBase Incentive Rates$2,500$1,000$4,500$2,000 
Projects in DAC are eligible to receive incentives that cover up to 70% of project costs, while incentives for projects outside of DACs remain capped at 50% of project costs. The DAC incentive rates apply to both decommissioning and integrated controls projects. Contractors can determine whether a project is in a DAC by searching the address at:
Residential GSHP: Increased Incentives in 2024 Promotion

Residential GSHP projects will be eligible for the 2024 Promotion Rates if they are installed between December 5, 2023 through December 31, 2024, and submit signed customer commitments between now and May 31, 2024. Projects with signed commitments submitted after May 31, 2024, will be eligible for the Base Incentives Rates.
 Con Edison Clean Heat Residential GSHP Rates (Category 3) Non-DACDAC*Base Incentive Rates$25,000$35,0002024 Promotion Rates$35,000$45,000
Incentives for Residential GSHP projects will remain capped at 70% of project costs for projects located within a DAC and 50% of project costs for projects not located within a DAC.
Multifamily: Increased Incentives in 2024 Promotion

To be eligible for the 2024 Promotion Rates, multifamily projects must submit completed applications between December 5, 2023 and May 31, 2024 and be installed by the following deadlines by category:Categories 2c and 6: October 1, 2024;Categories 4 and 4a: September 1, 2025.Projects for which completed applications are not submitted by, or which are not installed by the specified dates, will be eligible for the Base Incentive Rates.
 Con Edison Clean Heat Multifamily ASHP Rates Category 2c
 Per Apartment ($/Dwelling Unit)Category 4
Custom Space ($/MMBTU)Category 4a Custom Space + Envelope
Tier 1        Tier 2Category 6
Custom Water
($/MMBTU)Category 10
Custom Partial ($/MMBTU)Base Incentive Rates$5,000$200$200$225$200$702024 Promotion Rates$7,000$225$225$250$225$95Small to Medium Business (SMB): Increased Incentives in 2024 Promotion

 To be eligible for the 2024 Promotion Rates, SMB projects must submit completed applications between December 5, 2023 and May 31, 2024 and be installed on or before October 1, 2024. Projects for which completed applications are not submitted by, or are not installed by, the above dates will be eligible for the Base Incentive Rates.
 Con Edison Clean Heat SMB Prescriptive Rates Category 2d
($/Project)<1,000 SF1,001-1,500 SF1,501 – 2,000 SF2,001 – 2,500 SFBase Incentive Rates$5,000$7,500$10,000$12,5002024 Promotion DAC Rates*$6,000$8,500$11,000$13,500
Prescriptive projects in Category 2d located within a DAC will be eligible for the 2024 Promotion DAC Rates and the incentives will be capped at 60% of project costs.
 Con Edison Clean Heat SMB Custom ASHP Rates Category 4
Custom Space ($/MMBTU)Category 4a
Custom Space + Envelope
($/MMBTU)Base Incentive Rates$150$1502024 Promotion Rates$175$200 
2024 Promotion incentives for custom projects in Category 4 and 4a will be capped at $400,000.
Con Edison will continue to monitor the performance of its Clean Heat program and will adjust program incentives as appropriate.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager.
Thank you!
The Con Edison Clean Heat Team 
Reminder: Upcoming Webinar Announcements

Tuesday, December 12 at 10:00 AM.
Con Edison Clean Heat Webinar
Topics: Share program progress, listen to your feedback, and answer any questions you may have.


匿名 1 个月

亲亲我的宝贝 1 个月

匿名 1 个月



cmychq 1 个月

cmychq 1 个月

LookforRent 0 个月

LookforRent 0 个月



2023年夏天纽约居民的电费账单飙升了12%,随着夏季到来,纽约居民的电费账单将面临预料之内的飙升。但好消息是,本年度的HEAP防暑补助金(Cooling Assistance program)已开放,符合资格的居民可以踊跃申请。

该项目由联邦政府资助,州府的临时及残障人士协助办公室(Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance)监管,并通过家庭能源援助计划(Home Energy Assistance Program,简称HEAP)提供资金。



人力资源管理局 (Human Resources Administration, HRA) 协助超过 300 多万名纽约市民。HRA 提供 200 多种语言的免费现场及电话口译服务以及各种语言版本的文件。无论何种移民身份,都可以享受 HRA 提供的多种服务,即使不符合条件的父母也可以代表子女申请。



SNAP (食品救济)

补充营养援助计划 (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP) 之前称为食品救济券,专门为低收入的纽约市民提供食品救济服务。


HRA 设有子女抚养服务办公室 (Office of Child Support Services, OCSS),为家长和监护人(无论其收入和移民身份如何)提供服务。

照顾孩子的父/母亲或监护人都可前往其所在地家事法庭的 OCSS,申请子女抚养服务。


如需寻求人工服务,请前往 OCSS 的家事法庭办事处 或者 OCSS 的客户服务接待中心。具体地址:Manhattan下城的 151 West Broadway。


若您年满 65 周岁,或为残障人士/视力障碍人士,或接受 Medicare 救助,或未育有子女或承担抚养未成年孩子的义务,可通过 HRA 申请 Medicaid。若您满足以上一条件,请拨打 HRA 帮助热线 888-692-6116,或前往任一处医疗援助计划办事处。 若您希望有人帮您申请/续签 Medicaid,或缴付 Medicare 费用,请致电 347-396-4705 与投保人员进行预约。如需申请其他医疗保险,请前往NY State of Health.


家庭护理计划是由 Medicaid 资助的长期护理计划,旨在帮助符合资格的老年人或残疾人安全地在家中生活,而无需前往疗养院。 Medicaid 管理式长期护理计划可提供家庭护理及其他服务,但是申请人需满足 Medicaid 资格。

HRA 的特殊服务办事处负责监督家庭护理服务计划 (Home Care Services Program, HCSP)。 HRA 的家庭护理服务计划负责确定所有 Medicaid 长期护理计划客户是否具有 Medicaid 资格。 如需援助,请拨打信息专线 718-557-1399。您也可访问 HRA 的长期护理/家庭护理服务网站获取信息, 或 访问您所在地的家庭护理 CASA 办事处

艾滋病 (人类免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病) 服务

艾滋病服务管理局 (HIV/AIDS Services Administration, HASA) 致力于为患有人类免疫缺陷病毒或艾滋病 的个人或家庭提供基本福利和社会服务,包括个案管理等。有些 HASA 服务无论何种移民身份的人士均可享受。

纽约州卫生署的艾滋病研究院 (New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, AI) 于 2016 年 6 月修订了关于人类免疫缺陷病 护理和治疗的资格规定。依照这一更为宽泛的资格规定,HRA 也已通过 HASA,于 2016 年 8 月 29 日起为所有感染人类免疫缺陷病毒且经济状况符合要求的纽约市民提供进一步的援助和服务。


成人保护服务 (Adult Protective Services, APS) 为存在心理或生理缺陷,有受伤风险的成年人提供服务和援助。有些服务不要求申请人具有公民或移民身份。

  • 如需将客户转介到 APS ,请拨打 APS 中心调度部门的转介热线 718-557-1399,或随时点击以下链接完成在线转介:在线转介至 APS


无家可归预防管理局 (Homelessness Prevention Administration) 与游民服务局 (Department of Homeless Services)、纽约市房屋管理局 (NYC Housing Authority) 以及其他组织和城市机构,通过在各社区为有需要的家庭和个人提供稳定的经济适用房,预防他们沦为无家可归人士。

  • 有关更多信息,请致电信息专线 718-557-1399。


Homebase 将帮助您制定一份个性化的计划,以克服住房危机并尽可能留在您的家中。如果您满足以下情况,您可能有资格享受 Homebase 服务:

  • 面临被收入纽约市收容系统的风险 
  • 属于低收入人群 
  • 想留在您的社区中 

如需详细了解 Homebase,请下载手册

点击此处查看离您最近的 Homebase 办事处。


家庭能源补助计划 (Home Energy Assistance Program, HEAP) 可帮助低收入屋主和租客支付燃气、设备和维修费用。

  • 若您在支付公用事业账单方面遇到问题,请拨打 718-557-1399 联系 HEAP。


IDNYC 是纽约居民官方的市身份证,所有年满 14 岁的纽约市居民均有资格申请。IDNYC 是由政府颁发的官方 ID 卡,持卡人享有诸多福利。




1、拨打 HEAP 专线 212-331-3126,以获取寄给您的申请表。
New York City Home Energy Assistance Program
P.O.Box 1401, Church Street Station
New York, NY, 10008


符合申请条件的居民请立即拨打中美家电的电话咨询详情,中美家电将免费帮助您评估、申请、安装。(中文专线电话:315-288 8188)

纽约市以外的居民可登录网站 myBenefits.ny.gov,在网络上申请相关补助,而纽约市居民也可登录网站 access.nyc.gov,获得计划信息。


文章: 329
