

本来mini split A/C 有几大品牌,Fujitsu,Mitsubishi, daikin, 都属于能效比比较好的。科普一下,能效比就是指空调运行过程中,制冷/热量与输入功率的比,通常叫做Seers,seers越高,就越省电。

相比于中央空调central A/C,mini split A/C 绝对是节能好手。通常的中央空调seer一般在13-20,而好的mini split A/C 的seer可以达到33甚至更高。


Friedrich是一个做window A/C很好的百年老品牌,可是分体机真的做得一般般,总体小毛病就是遥控比较滞后,没有特别静音,制冷/热还可以。seer有22, 勉强合格吧。但是在车库里,也不讲究了,毕竟一台优秀的分体机要卖到$2000+


📝 1.买分体空调的时候还要注意自己家的电压,美国市场上有出售220V和110V两种。取决于你家有没有220V的电,以及要安装的地方容不容易走220V的电,通常相同类型的机器,220V的电压,会比110V电压能效比更高一些,也就是更节能。

📝 2.除了购买空调,还需要购买外机挂在墙上的架子,如果想蹲在地上,就去买外机蹲地上的水泥砖。


📝 3.建议不要过长(超过说明书上需要加氟的距离)过长会影响制冷效果,且铜管本身就不宜弯曲,弯曲走管很容易造成氟利昂泄露,一旦泄露空调就不制冷了。如果家里有空调不冷的小伙伴,多半是漏氟了。可以请专业人士来修理添加。

📝 4.最后提示如果有HOA,建议查清楚当地的guideline,有的地方不允许挂在外墙上,要了解清楚哦,避免引起不必要的麻烦。




15000BTU, 能效比20+可以足够一层的客厅厨房+书房等。



Questions and answers about free air conditioning projects

  1. Is your air conditioning project really free?

Yes, not only are our air conditioners free, but installation, materials, and two-year warranty are free. In short, you can install our high-quality air conditioners throughout your home without spending a penny.

Why is there such a thing like a pie in the sky? I’m a bit dissatisfied

Dare to believe it!

You don’t have to worry, this activity is a government welfare project. In order to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, the government has issued subsidies to allow people to replace their original small boilers that burn oil or gas with green and environmentally friendly air conditioners. What we do is to help qualified customers apply for this subsidy in the name of our company, and then use this subsidy to install air conditioners for free for customers. Therefore, it is free for residents. Of course, the review of this subsidy will take about half a year. Therefore, we advance the money to the customer for installation.

  1. What are the conditions required to apply for the installation of your free air conditioner?

According to the requirements of government subsidies, you can apply if you meet these three conditions: 1. Your house needs to be a house, not an apartment.

  1. You need to stop the small gas or oil-burning boilers you currently use for heating.
  2. Within the area covered by government subsidies (New York, Boston and other cities are acceptable)
  3. What kind of air conditioner do you use?

The air conditioner we use is TCL, one of China’s four famous brands. This brand is also a high-quality energy-saving and emission-reducing air conditioner brand designated by the U.S. government after careful selection.

  1. How many air conditioners can be installed for free in our home?

A house with one family can install 5 air conditioners for free, a house with two families can have 6 air conditioners, and a house with three families can have 8 air conditioners installed for free. If you want to install more on this basis, you need to bear the cost yourself, but we will help you install it at cost price.

  1. After installing your air conditioner, will our heating in winter ensure that the room is warm enough?

Because the air conditioners we install are of high quality and sufficient quantity, the heating effect is guaranteed. Moreover, our air conditioner has dual heating and cooling systems and can be used in both winter and summer. 7. Will the electricity cost of using air conditioners be too high?

Our air conditioners are smart air conditioners with wif. Customers can use their mobile phones to turn on or off the air conditioner at any time as needed, and they can turn on whichever air conditioner they use. For example, if we are on a business trip or traveling for a long time, we can always close it or open it occasionally when no one is home. Taken together, we can actually save money! The most important thing is that we can also make a small contribution to environmental protection!

  1. We think this project is very good, but we still don’t want to dismantle the small boiler. Is it okay?

According to relevant government regulations, households must dismantle small boilers before they can receive subsidies, so we must send photos and videos of dismantling small boilers to the government for review. But we won’t take away your little boiler.

  1. When is the deadline for your activity?

The deadline for this year’s event is May 31st.

  1. If we are sure that we want to install it, how do we apply for it? In the first step, please send us your address, phone number and a convenient time for on-site inspection. We will go to the site to make final confirmation one by one and contact you. You sign an installation agreement.

The second step is to determine the installation time.

The third step is door-to-door installation.

  1. You are a user of the electric power company (ConEdison);
  2. You need to install an energy-saving split heating and cooling air conditioner in your home;
  3. Be willing to dismantle the existing heating furnace in your home.
文章: 329
