
IR-2021-209,2021 年 10 月 22 日

华府 — 美国国税局今天提醒家庭、青少年和老年人,保护线上个人和财务信息(英文)事关重要。尽管国税局及其安全峰会(英文)合作伙伴在打击身份盗用和欺诈性纳税申报方面取得了长足进步,但仍需要大家的共同努力。



教他们认识公共 Wi-Fi 网络。在商场或咖啡店连接 Wi-Fi 很方便,但可能不安全。黑客和网络犯罪分子可以轻松拦截个人信息。连接到公共 Wi-Fi 时需始终使用虚拟私人网络。

请谨记,美国国税局不会使用短信或社交媒体与您讨论个人税务问题,例如涉及退税、刺激经济补助金或税务账单的问题。如需更多信息,请访问 IRS.gov 上的税务诈骗和消费者警报(英文)页面。国税局的社交媒体上也提供了有关税务诈骗的更多信息,包括 YouTube 视频。另请参阅出版物 4524《纳税人的安全意识》(英文)。

Security Awareness For Taxpayers
The IRS, the states and the tax industry are committed to protecting you from identity theft. Working together, we’ve
made many changes to combat identity theft. We are making progress. The IRS is working hand-in-hand with your state
revenue officials, your tax software provider and your tax professional. But, we need your help. We need you to join with
us. By taking a few simple steps to protect all of your digital devices, you can better protect your personal and financial
data online and at home.
Please consider these steps to protect yourself from identity thieves:
Keep Your Computer and Mobile Phone Secure
• Use firewall and security software, set it for automatic updates;
• Treat your personal information like cash, don’t leave it lying around;
• Use strong, unique passwords; consider a password manager;
• Use Multi-Factor Authentication;
• Give personal information only over encrypted websites – look for “https”addresses;
• Back up your files.
Avoid Phishing Scams and Malware
Identity thieves use phishing emails to trick users into giving up passwords and other information. Don’t take the bait. Look for:
• Emails that pose as trusted source, i.e. bank, taxprovider;
• Emails with an urgent message, i.e. update your account now!, with instructions to open a link or attachment;
• Never download software or apps from pop-up advertising;
• Talk to family about online security, both with computers and mobile devices.
Protect Your Tax Return
Taxpayers who can validate their identities can obtain an Identity Protection PIN. An IP PIN is a six-digit code that
prevents an identity thief from filing a fraudulent tax return using your Social Security number. Learn more at
www.irs.gov/ippin. If you are an identity theft victim and your tax account is affected, review www.irs.gov/identitytheft.
Avoid IRS Impersonators. The IRS will not call you with threats of jail or lawsuits. The IRS will not send you an
unsolicited email suggesting you have a refund or that you need to update your account. The IRS will not request any
sensitive information online. These are all scams, and they are persistent. Don’t fall for them. Forward IRS-related scam
emails to phishing@irs.gov. Report IRS- impersonation telephone calls at www.tigta.gov.


文章: 205
